Sunday, February 10, 2013

Become the ultimate Dragonborn in Skyrim!

Greetings everyone! A few weeks ago, I had received a request from a follower to put up a post for advice on Skyrim. So let's discuss some hints and tips for those diving into the beautiful, mountainous and snowy region of Tamriel known as Skyrim!

Some of the game's greatest moments can be just standing and taking in the view.

The first piece of advice is actually in the second sentence. Skyrim is a mountainous land with many valleys, hills and cliffs. Use the natural landscape to your advantage during battle if you can. This usually means keeping high ground on your opponent.  For example, if an opponent with a ranged weapon (bow, magic, etc.) were to cross your path, gaining ground on them makes their job of trying to kill you at least a little tougher.  It also makes the kill easier for you.

Unfortunately, sometimes gaining higher ground isn't an option and you have to go toe-to-toe with a opponent on even ground or in a room.  When this happens, you must evaluate them quickly.  Learn their techniques, what weapons and attacks they prefer and how they defend.  Your best bet is to play a little defense first to figure them out.  You can also send your follower (if you have one) after your enemy to see how they operate.

Once you feel confident in defeating them, play to your strengths.  If you're good with the sword and the FlameCloak spell, go for it.  Don't change everything you do because you're facing a Frost Troll versus a normal Troll.  Now if you're fighting a dragon, you may want to switch tactics depending on where you are in Skyrim and what level your character is on.

Fighting dragons is always an exciting feeling!

More than any other advice I can give you, you absolutely MUST save on a very regular basis.  Failing to do so could result in some very seriously annoyed situations.  If you were standing outside of Bleak Falls Barrow and saved, went through the entire dungeon, got everything you needed, came out and an Ancient Dragon decides to show up and make you a fried Dragonborn, you go back to where you where before entering the dungeon! Skyrim doesn't have any checkpoints so saving all the time is an essential part of your travels if you want to be successful.

I would like to thank those who have visited my site so far and have read my posts.  Your support is greatly appreciated.  Please follow me for more great advice, hints, tips and overall knowledge of the gaming world!  Also, if you would like some advice from me, leave a comment on any of my posts and I'll get your request up ASAP!

Deuces for now bros!


  1. Thank you so much for posting this; it contains a lot of great advice. I agree that anyone playing should save often, no matter how good they are, because unexpected opponents or glitches could always pop up in Skyrim!

  2. I haven't really played Skyrim in a while, but still, saving is pretty crucial, especially in some areas such as a near boss area.
